Runtime Configuration#

Passing Configuration Options#

Giftless can be configured by pointing it to a YAML configuration file when starting, or through the use of environment variables.


Changes to any configuration options will only take effect when Giftless is restarted.

As a YAML file#

Giftless will read configuration from a YAML file pointed by the GIFTLESS_CONFIG_FILE environment variable.

# create a config file
cat <<EOF > giftless.conf.yaml
  - giftless.auth.allow_anon:read_write

# start giftless
export GIFTLESS_CONFIG_FILE=giftless.conf.yaml
uwsgi --module giftless.wsgi_entrypoint --callable app --http 

As a YAML / JSON string passed as environment variable#

If you prefer not to use a configuration file, you can pass the same YAML content as the value of the GIFTLESS_CONFIG_STR environment variable:

  - giftless.auth.allow_anon:read_write
# Proceed to start Giftless

Since YAML is a superset of JSON, you can also provide a more compact JSON string instead:

export GIFTLESS_CONFIG_STR='{"AUTH_PROVIDERS":["giftless.auth.allow_anon:read_write"]}'
# Proceed to start Giftless


If you provide both a YAML file (as GIFTLESS_CONFIG_FILE) and a literal YAML string (as GIFTLESS_CONFIG_STR), the two will be merged, with values from the YAML string taking precedence over values from the YAML file.

By overriding specific options using environment variables#

You can override some specific configuration options using environment variables, by exporting an environment variable that starts with GIFTLESS_CONFIG_ and appends configuration object keys separated by underscores.

This capability is somewhat limited and only works if:

  • The configuration option value is expected to be a string

  • The configuration option value is not contained in an array

  • None of the configuration object keys in the value’s hierarchy contain characters that are not accepted in environment variables, such as -

For example, the option specified in the configuration file as:


Can be overridden by setting the following environment variable:

# Start giftless ...

Using a .env file#

If Giftless is started from a working directory that has a .env file, it will be loaded when Giftless is started and used to set environment variables.

Configuration Options#

The following configuration options are accepted by Giftless:


A set of transfer mode name -> transfer adapter configuration pairs. Controls transfer adapters and the storage backends used by them.

See the Transfer Adapters section for a full list of built-in transfer adapters and their respective options.

You can configure multiple Git LFS transfer modes, each with its own transfer adapter and configuration. The only transfer mode that is configured by default, and that is required by the Git LFS standard, is basic mode.

Each transfer adapter configuration value is an object with two keys:

  • factory (required) - a string referencing a Python callable, in the form package.module.submodule:callable. This callable should either be an adapter class, or a factory callable that returns an adapter instance.

  • options (optional) - a key-value dictionary of options to pass to the callable above.


An ordered list of authentication and authorization adapters to load. Each adapter can have different options.

Auth providers are evaluated in the order that they are configured when a request is received, until one of them provides Giftless with a user identity. This allows supporting more than one authentication scheme in the same Giftless instance.

See the Auth Providers section for a full list of supported auth providers and their respective options.

Each auth provider can be specified either as a string of the form package.module.submodule:callable, referencing a Python callable that returns the provider instance, or as an object with the following keys:

  • factory - a string of the same form referencing a callable

  • options - key-value pairs of arguments to pass to the callable


An ordered list of custom WSGI middleware configuration. See Using WSGI Middleware for details and examples.


Configures an additional single, special auth provider, which implements the PreAuthorizedActionAuthenticator interface. This is used by Giftless when it needs to generate URLs referencing itself, and wants to pre-authorize clients using these URLs. By default, the JWT auth provider is used here.

There is typically no need to override the default behavior.


If set to true, enables more verbose debugging output in logs.