Getting Started =============== This guide will introduce you to the basics of Giftless by getting it up and running locally, and seeing how it can interact with a local git repository. ## Prerequisites This tutorial assumes you have Python 3.7 or newer available as `python`. On some systems, you might need to replace `python` with `python3`. ## Installing and Running Locally Create a new directory for our tutorial, and set up a fresh virtual environment: ```shell mkdir giftless && cd giftless python -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate ``` Then, proceed to [install giftless from pypi]() as described in the installation guide. ```note:: For this tutorial, we will be using Flask's built-in development server. This is *not suitable* for production use. ``` Once done, verify that Giftless can run: ```shell # Run Giftless using the built-in development server export FLASK_APP=giftless.wsgi_entrypoint flask run ``` You should see something like: ```shell Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) ``` This means Giftless is up and running with some default configuration on *localhost* port *5000*, with the default configuration options. Hit Ctrl+C to stop Giftless. ## Basic Configuration To configure Giftless, create a file named `giftless.conf.yaml` in the current directory with the following content: ```yaml # Giftless configuration AUTH_PROVIDERS: - giftless.auth.allow_anon:read_write ``` This will override the default read-only access mode, and allow open and full access to anyone, to any object stored with Giftless. Clearly this is not useful in a production setting, but for a local test this will do fine. Run Giftless again, pointing to this new configuration file: ```shell export GIFTLESS_CONFIG_FILE=giftless.conf.yaml flask run ``` ## Interacting with git We will now proceed to show how Giftless can interact with a local `git` repository, as a demonstration of how Git LFS works. Keep Giftless running and open a new terminal window or tab. ### Install the `lfs` Git extension While having a local installation of `git-lfs` is not required to run Giftless, you will need it to follow this guide. Run: ```shell git lfs version ``` If you see an error indicating that `'lfs' is not a git command`, follow the [Git LFS installation instructions here]( On Linux, you may be able to simply install the `git-lfs` package provided by your distro. ```important:: If you have git-lfs older than version 2.10, you will need to upgrade it to follow this tutorial, otherwise you may encounter some unexpected errors. Follow the instructions linked above to upgrade to the latest version. ``` ### Create a local "remote" repository For the purpose of this tutorial, we will create a fake "remote" git repository on your local disk. This is analogous to a real-world remote repository such as GitHub or any other Git remote, but is simpler to set up. ```shell mkdir fake-remote-repo && cd fake-remote-repo git init --bare cd .. ``` Of course, you may choose to use any other remote repository instead - just remember to replace the repository URL in the upcoming `git clone` command. ### Create a local repository and push some file Clone the remote repository we have just created to a local repository: ```shell git clone fake-remote-repo local-repo cd local-repo ``` Create some files and add them to git: ```shell # This README file will be committed to Git as usual echo "# This is a Giftless test" > # Let's also create a 1mb binary file which we'll want to store in Git LFS dd if=/dev/zero of=1mb-blob.bin bs=1024 count=1024 git add 1mb-blob.bin ``` Enable Git LFS and tell it to track `.bin` files: ```shell git lfs install git lfs track "*.bin" ``` This will actually create a file named `.gitattributes` in the root of your repository, with the following content: ```shell *.bin filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text ``` Tell Git LFS where to find the Giftless server. We will do that by using the `git config` command to write to the `.lfsconfig` file: ```shell git config -f .lfsconfig lfs.url ``` `my-organization/test-repo` is an organization / repository prefix under which your files will be stored. Giftless requires all files to be stored under such prefix. Tell git to track the configuration files we have just created. This will allow other users to have the same Git LFS configuration as us when cloning the repository: ```shell git add .gitattributes .lfsconfig ``` Commit all the files we have staged: ```shell git commit -m "Adding some files to track" ``` Finally, let's push our tracked files to Git LFS: ```shell git push -u origin master ``` ### See your objects stored by Giftless locally Switch over to the shell in which Giftless is running, and you will see log messages indicating that a file has just been pushed to storage and verified. This should be similar to: ``` INFO - - "POST /my-organization/test-repo/objects/batch HTTP/1.1" 200 - INFO - - "PUT /my-organization/test-repo/objects/storage/30e14955ebf1352266dc2ff8067e68104607e750abb9d3b36582b8af909fcb58 HTTP/1.1" 200 - INFO - - "POST /my-organization/test-repo/objects/storage/verify HTTP/1.1" 200 - ``` To further verify that the file has been stored by Giftless, we can list the files in our local Giftless storage directory: ```shell ls -lR ../lfs-storage/ ``` You should see: ```shell ../lfs-storage/my-organization/test-repo: total 1024 -rw-rw-r-- 1 shahar shahar 1048576 Feb 28 12:08 30e14955ebf1352266dc2ff8067e68104607e750abb9d3b36582b8af909fcb58 ``` You will notice a 1mb file stored in `../lfs-storage/my-organization/test-repo` - this is identical to our `1mb-blob.bin` file, but it is stored with its SHA256 digest as its name. ## Summary You have now seen Giftless used as both a Git LFS server, and as a storage backend. This should give you a basic sense of how to run Giftless, and how Git LFS servers interact with Git. In a real-world scenario, you would typically have Giftless serve as the Git LFS server but not as a storage backend - storage will be off-loaded to a Cloud Storage service which has been configured for this purpose.